OPEN 8AM – 5.50PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY (0117) 9706808
1 Clifton Park, Bristol, BS8 3BS

A warm and creative environment close to the Clifton Village


Breakfast – served from 8-8.50am
• a choice of either cereals or toast (different toppings)
• an option of milk or water to drink

Snacks – available twice a day
• a healthy balance of snacks are available for the children to choose themselves
• consists of foods such as fruit, crackers, breadsticks served with freshly made dips, among others
• children will be allowed second helpings if all of the children have eaten first helpings

Meals provided during the day – lunch and tea
• hot/cold meals are provided by and cooked at Torwood Lodge Nursery
• all main meals contain vegetables and/or salad
• a weekly menu will be on display in advance
• adults will sit with children while they eat and will provide a good role model for healthy eating
• all dietary/allergy requirements can be catered for
• we encourage children to use cutlery properly
• food is cut into bite size pieces by the adult if necessary eg, for our younger ages
• children will be offered each course regardless of whether or not they refused an earlier course
• desserts will consist of either fruit, a milk-based dessert, fruit crumble or a cake-based dessert
• second helpings will be offered to the children
• parents and guardians will be informed of how their child has eaten throughout the day

Special dietary requirements
Parents are required to complete the registration and settling forms explaining clearly any dietary needs their child may have. These may need to be re-visited when moving rooms to check if there have been any changes. Individual dietary needs are recorded on a central list for ordering the meals, and also on a board in the eating areas where the food is served. Parents are required to put any dietary requirements into writing, directed to the nursery manager.

Water and other drinks
Children under threes are encouraged to bring in their own bottle to keep in their rooms. The over three’s have water facilities available for them to freely access independently– and are therefore accessible at all times.

Adults are provided with facilities for making hot drinks, which can only be accessed away from the children during their given lunch break and tap water is available at all times.


We believe, if you eat good you feel good and we take pride in serving nutritious, well balanced meals to the children that attend. Take a look at a sample menu, menus change as produce and seasons change. All staff are aware of the approach to all aspects of food and nutrition within the nursery and we encourage children to develop good eating habits and social interaction during meal times. Meals, snacks and drinks are provided throughout the day, this includes Breakfast, Lunch and Tea alongside a morning and afternoon snack aswell as milk and water.

You can view a sample menu here:
Sample Menu Autumn/Winter

We are very proud of the childcare setting we have here in Clifton, and hope that you will be too. Come and visit, and let us show you how well we do.

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